TCCC mailing list policy

TCCC maintains a moderated mailing list ( over which TCCC-related conference and job announcements as well as the TCCC newsletter are posted infrequently. All TCCC members can post messages to the list in accordance with this policy. Acceptable posts on the TCCC mailing list must be aligned with the scope of interest of the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Community on Computer Communications (TCCC).

The following policies and rules apply:

  1. Sending Rights: Only TCCC members can post to the tccc-announce mailing list, however, their posts are moderated. Non-members, who wish to post their messages, have two options: (1) become a TCCC member (click here to join TCCC), or (2) send the respective message to the TCCC chair, who may periodically process them and post them on the TCCC mailing list. This periodicity may be around once a week or a little more in vacation periods.

  2. Misuse Guidelines: Any member of the list can post, but if they violate these guidelines they may be denied further posting privileges at the discretion of the TCCC chair (or a delegate of him/her). The TCCC chair (or a delegate of him/her) is responsible for the supervision of the list content to insure that all content restrictions (see below) are satisfied. In case of violations, misuse procedures may be applied and members may be denied further posting privileges.

  3. Accepted Types of Postings: The TCCC mailing list accepts the following types of postings.

    1. Calls for papers, workshops, posters, demos, and/or participation for TCCC-sponsored symposia, conferences, and workshops. Such calls may be sent at any time to and will be distributed to the TCCC members after a moderation process. The following limitations apply: Calls for the same venue may not be posted more than once per 28-day period, and only a single message regarding each deadline extension is permitted. Only calls for events sponsored by TCCC will be disseminated.
    2. Job offers for opportunities in both industry and academia may be sent at any time to They will be distributed to the TCCC members after a moderation process, which is implemented to ensure their relevance for the TCCC members. All job offers must include the application deadline for the vacancy.
    3. Contributions to the TCCC newsletter will be included in the next edition of the newsletter (edited by, and at the discretion of, the TCCC Communications Chair). All news that do not fall into the scope of the aforementioned types of postings are handled as potential contributions to the newsletter. To circulate them among the TCCC members, complete the following questionnaire and send it to the TCCC Communications Chair. Do not forward your message to the mailing list.
Which type of information would you like us to include in the TCCC newsletter? (tick as appropriate)
[ ] Call for Papers/Workshops/Demos/Posters/Participation/...
[ ] Job offer related to TCCC
[ ] Information of general relevance for the TCCC members
[ ] Information on conference award recipients (best paper, best demo, travel grants, ...)
[ ] Experience reports from conferences and workshops
[ ] Other, please specify: ...................................

Why is the information relevant for the TCCC membership? (tick as appropriate)
[ ] It is about a conference sponsored by the TCCC
[ ] It is about a conference technically co-sponsored by the TCCC
[ ] Other, please specify: ...................................

As follows, provide the information you want us to include in the TCCC newsletter:

The following content is not permitted on the TCCC mailing list:

  • Any item that reflects negatively on the reputation, character, professional ability, or technical competence of anyone
  • Any item of a sexually explicit nature
  • Any item that disparages or demeans another’s ethnicity, religion, culture, or sexual orientation
  • Any item that misrepresents one’s position in IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society, or in any other professional organization
  • Any chain letters, political discussions, or requests for donations
  • Any item that promotes or serves as a marketing vehicle for materials in which the TCCC mailing list member has a personal, financial, or business interest. This also applies to books, conferences, and short courses in which the IEEE Computer Society does not have any interest. Items for the general good, e.g., announcements of faculty openings, fellowships, student grants, may be posted, if they are in the topical interest of the TCCC.
  • Any item that advances the candidacy of an individual for an elected office in the IEEE (including IEEE Computer Society), which is conforming to existing IEEE policy
  • Any item that uses one’s position as a volunteer in the IEEE Computer Society for personal gain
  • Any item that announces or encourages participation in a venue that is clearly in conflict with any initiative of the IEEE Computer Society. This includes Call-for-Papers for competing publications or announcements for competing conferences. Since the IEEE Computer Society co-sponsors a number of publications and events, it is encouraged to seek the advice of the appropriate Computer Society personnel for further details before posting.

Messages you send to the mailing list are either (a) distributed to the list after the moderation process has completed, without further editing by anybody, or (b) denied without any notice according to those policies stated above.